What to Expect

It can be daunting to go somewhere for the first time and entering a church building is no exception.  Hopefully, this short guide will give you an idea of what to expect.

First, know that God is real, and God loves you!

Second, know that you are welcome here!

  • We worship in person on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.   There is no dress code of any kind, everyone is welcome to come as they are.  
  • The format of the service is similar week to week, except the first Sunday every month.  This is when we celebrate communion (the Lord's supper) and the congregation stays together throughout worship. Nursery is still provided for our youngest members! 
  • Musically we are led by our ensemble praise team!  We sing some traditional hymns but tend to be more contemporary and we explore our faith in different and unique ways, led by members of the congregation.

When you come through the welcome door (back side of the Church where the parking lot is), the Sanctuary (worship space) will be directly ahead of you to the left.  At the Sanctuary entrance you will find the weekly bulletin showing that Sunday’s order of service as well as a weekly insert with prayers and announcements detailing what events are happening around the church. 

In our Sanctuary you will find rows of pews – you are welcome to sit anywhere. If you are worshipping with children or youth, they should sit with you at the beginning of the service.  They are then invited to attend children's church after the time with young disciples (children's sermon).

In worship, we use two hymnals:

Hymn lyrics and prayers are also projected on the giant screen up front.  During worship, towards the beginning of the service, the children are invited to come to the front of the church for 'time with young disciples' and are then invited to go downstairs for children’s programming.

Babies and toddlers are welcome to sit with you during worship, however if you prefer, a nursery adjacent to the sanctuary is available. You can either stay with your child(ren) or leave them with a nursery supervisor (background checked). 

Throughout the service there will be times when we stay seated and times when we stand, in that case you will be invited to “stand/rise as you are able” (or just follow everyone else).  There is also a liturgy (parts of the service when we respond together; this will be easy to follow in the bulletin).  Liturgy simply means "work of the people"; this is an important part of worship because worshiping is not a spectator sport, it involves everyone!

When the service is finished there is an opportunity to chat with other members of the congregation in the gathering space outside the Sanctuary (you are welcome to join in, but it is not obligatory) and Rev. J.C. will be at the exit to greet everyone as they leave.

We livestream our weekly worship so why not check out what happens on a Sunday morning by visiting our YouTube channel or Facebook page where you will find previous worship services.