All are welcome!

"For I am about to do something new."

-Isaiah 43:19

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once wrote:

 “The person who loves their dream of community will destroy community, but the person who loves those around them will create community.” 

(from:  Life Together / Book / for more on Bonhoeffer, click HERE)

We are so glad you have decided to check out our website!  We hope you'll come and worship with us and join us as part of God's family here at BPC.

BPC is a place to belong.  BPC is a place to be accepted as you are and, at the same time, encouraged to deepen your relationship with Jesus.  Believe me, we do not have it all 'figured out'.  We have questions, doubts, fears, etc.  But we trust in God to work a new thing within us and through us; and we seek to love each other well.  

The Church of Jesus Christ has many parts, yet is one body

1 Corinthians 12:18-20

Who we Are

We are believers in Jesus Christ, as the Son of God; one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, triune Godhead.  We are people who seek to follow the Lord each day and grow in faith, hope and love and extend that to others in Jesus name.  We are God’s people and we are claimed by God through  faith in Jesus Christ and therefore have hope and joy; knowing that God is in charge and over and above all things and will one day make all things new!  We draw strength from the Lord through prayer, worship, service to others, studying God's word and supporting and encouraging one another. 


We belong to a denomination known as the Presbyterian Church (USA) [for more info, click HERE].  One of the foundations of our biblical understanding of the Church of Jesus Christ, is that we are interconnected as one body.  Paul tells the Christians in Rome: “For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another” (Romans 12: 4–5). Paul expands this theme in his letter to the Corinthians: “Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot would say, ‘Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body….” (1 Corinthians 12:14–20).  As one body of Christ, we are not a church "all by ourselves" here in Brownstown Indiana, but we are connected to the larger Church so that we can support one another and share in the work of the gospel together!  

We have a representative form of government led by men and women called by God to use their gifts to be leaders in Christ's church.  Our denomination has regional governing bodies called Synods (our Presbytery belongs to the Synod of Lincoln Trails; click HERE for more information).  Beneath the 'Synod' governing body is a smaller more local governing body, called the Presbytery (we belong to the Presbytery of Ohio Valley; click HERE for more information).  Individual churches (like Brownstown Presbyterian Church [BPC]) are part of Presbyteries.  We believe in representative government and are not run by one person but by groups of ruling elders (made up of equal numbers of women and men of strong faith and feel called by God to serve as leaders).  Click HERE for a very brief overview of how Presbyterians lead through biblically based representative government.  

From the way we worship, to the design of the worship space, to how the church is governed, we seek to be faithful to Christ and to the scriptures.  Presbyterians believe that other expressions of Christianity are part of God's diverse creation.  In other words, we do not believe that there is only one way to be the Church of Jesus Christ.  

What does it mean to be presbyterian?

The wonderful thing about being Presbyterian is that we believe that God alone is the LORD of the conscience and therefore we are free to be ourselves, just as God made us!   We do not dictate what to believe.  We have people who hold to opposite views on various issues, however, we are held together in our  profession of faith that Jesus Christ is LORD of all and in Christ we find our unity and our salvation!  It's been said that no two Presbyterian congregations are alike.  We praise God for the freedom we have in Christ!

(What is Christian Vocation).  

We believe that we are called to live lives of GRATITUDE not to earn favor with God but because we are grateful for what God freely gave to us (and we did not deserve it in the first place; Thanks God! see Romans 8:31-39 / or click HERE for a link to a description of the favor/grace of God).